Here is a recap of the annual West Coast Harris Ranch Fly-In with information provided by Nelson Harding:
On October 7, 2017 the annual Meyers Harris Ranch get together took place. The Harris Ranch is located in the Central Valley of California and offers a nice hotel, on site runway, and restaurants that serve the famous Harris Ranch beef. The early arrivals came in on Friday afternoon to sit by the pool, swim, visit, enjoy each other’s company, have a good steak dinner, and talk about Meyers aircraft. Saturday morning started out with breakfast, more airplane tall tales, and then watching the other arriving aircraft. The day was spent with Meyers flyers and included a great lunch with more tall tales and outright lies. Most of the group left on Saturday afternoon. Some of the hearty folks stayed another night and left on Sunday. There were ten aircraft at the fly-in: seven Meyers 200’s were counted along with a beautiful J-3 Cub, a Cessna 172, and a Navion.
As always, this year’s Harris Ranch Fly-In was great fun! Meyers Aircraft, good friends, and good food…it just doesn’t get much better than that! All the Meyers folks should mark their calendars and plan to attend next October 2018. A big THANK YOU goes out to Dave and Karen Palmer for setting this gathering up and sending out notices to all the Western Meyers folks. A second big THANK YOU to Greg Grouleff for providing the shade tent, chairs, and cold drinks.
We’re already looking forward to next year. A note of warning to those thinking of attending next year–with past Meyers President Marv Rogge leading this group, it can get pretty loud and the B-S very deep!