I found out very quickly that it is not Jamon Pruitt, it is Jam-On Pruitt because that’s what he did… jammed on the red, blue and black knobs to the panel and left them there. What an awesome ride. Still smiling. He even let me hold his first place trophy for a little while. It did take about a week to pick the splinters from my backside from all of the tree tops we shaved during the race and it is reported that we were down so low that we were throwing a rooster tail while crossing the over water Galveston Bay finish line in full on ground effect.
In a few weekends I’m looking forward to chasing him around the Taylor, TX race course. We need some more 200’s to beat those Bo’s and Mooneys. My new LyCon built motor isn’t broken in yet, but the race will help toward fixing that. Steve Freeman has offered up free camping at his beautiful Old Kingsbury Aerodrome. A very short hop from the race circuit. It has great bathroom facilities and a world class outdoor kitchen surrounded by the museum’s rare aircraft. Karen says the Texas bluebonnets will also be blooming. A good time even if you’d rather spectate. Hope to see some of you there. Race info – http://sportairrace.org/sarl/node/3724 Kingsbury info – http://www.pioneerflightmuseum.org