Good morning Jeff. Glad that you and Jim are communicating. He and Mike Barg own the Meyers Aircraft Restoration Services in Honeapath, NC. They even have the original factory OTW jigs at their facility. Barg own FIVE OTWs!! One in beautiful shape and the others in various conditions from bent to just a data plate. Jones has only one OTW, but it is one of the most beautiful and meticulously maintained airplanes you’ll ever see.
If you will send your email address to then I can email a scanned copy of the maintenance and assembly manual to you. Mr. Jones provided a hard copy to me and I’ve scanned it in hopes of uploading it to the website.
As Jim said, the diagram of the original config is in the manual. For photos of various panels look at the top of this screen. Click on resources. Click on Aircraft Registration Database. This will take you to AirTable and you’ll see the whereabouts and photos of all of the known OTWs. Send in your info and some pics and we’ll update your bird.
Hopefully all of that will make you want to join the Owner’s Association and then attend one of our fly ins. When you buy a Meyers you automatically join the family and have access to a truly great bunch of people.