 Thomas Kube

Hi, my 2 cents:
What model did you buy?
If it is a D model these are the things I mention to new pilots to the Meyers:
Read the manual!
Check and understand the trim, it can kill you.
Non differential brakes, you have to press both and then stear with the front wheel.
You will need right foot on takeoff and climb.
You need to pull her off the runway, she will not fly away. I raise the gear rather quickly to gain speed. Expect her to bottom a little when raising the flaps.
Climb with 120kn.
To slow her down needs planning. To get below 130kn without gear extended I pull some Angle of attack, than drop the gear. That will give you flap speed.

You fly a laminar wing, so be careful loading up the wing in the pattern. Stall speed goes up fast.
Some power to the ground and then idle and she will land Like a dream.

I will endorse a young pilot to the Meyers tomorrow, really looking forward to flying her again.

You will love her!


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