 Ashley Wade

Hello Ed,

I’ve tried all kinds of combinations as I’ve upgraded iPads over the years. I’ve always used the full sized iPads and have them linked to the GTN 650 via a flighstream 210. After having tow RAM yoke mounts that I loved on the older iPads I was disappointed with the fit of the iPad Pro mount. I was going to switch to their X Mount to see if I liked it better, but while waiting I tried something different. I have the flat IFR folding aluminum lap desk from Spruce. I leave the iPad on the left side and my paper docs and pen on the right. I stole the x mount out of the wife’s OTW and I have the iPhone X on the yoke now. Having the 3 screens helps me with situational awareness as I’m still flying IFR by hand. WE REALLY NEED A MODERN AUTO PILOT OPTION! We still don’t have the site set up to allow us to upload pictures. We’re addressing that. On a pst long ago from you you’d mentioned Beachtalk. I’m a fan of that and something we can aspire to. Send me your email address and I can send some pics. I’m ashleybryanwade@hotmail.com.

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