 Ashley Wade

Hello Thomas and Ed. I will check with Stein and get his thoughts. He still needs to get me an official quote so that I can send him some $ and save on some taxes leaving poor Joe Biden out in the cold. I’ll be happy to share the quote with anyone who needs it. Wish this site supported uploads of photos and .PDFs so that we could all share. We need another platform like BeechTalk! So Ed, the $40k does include a couple of G5s or GI 275s. You may have other instruments that would drive the autopilot and your cost would be specifically lower? I know that the GI 275s would drive your legacy Century, but don’t know what legacy devices drive the GFC500. That’s be a call to Stein himself to advise. You might have what it takes to get out cheaper than you think?

I am surprised that more have not come forward to want the autopilot. HUGE amount of interest when it was brought up at the FlyIn.

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