 Tony Parsons

Hi Everyone! Newbie just now able to get on the site. I am having the same issue as Thomas. #6 is getting up to 430 on takeoff climb now that it is getting hot, 90 degrees. In cruise, all are under 380. I am at 400ft MSL, full rich, fuel flow is almost to redline, cowl flaps wide open. Injector is clear, AP says baffeling is fine. Bore scoped the cylinder thinking maybe exhaust valve, etc. All good. Climb out at 100 mph to get gear up, reduce throttle to 25/25, and push nose over to 120-140 to climb and then 140mph cruise climb. I have GAMI injectors ordered and we are going to adjust mag timing. Any other suggestions would be great. Another questions is how do you climb out? If I get above 100 mph in my climb I have trouble getting all the gear up. Thanks!

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