November 27, 2018 at 9:40 am
Joe Sottile
Dean, I have MEYERS 145, N 34363, S/N 006, I know there are only a few of the original 22 built but I am an IA and willing to work with whom ever they have at TruTrack to try to get the Auto Pilot installed in the MEYERS 145 also. My current Avionics include a Garmin 430 w/WASS and after the first of the year I am replacing the Garmin 327 Transponder with a Stratus for he ADSB in and out, as well as I will be putting a JPI 830 and getting rid of the old instruments. If TruTrak is willing to work with me for an Autopilot I might install a Garmin 5 ADI and HSI also.
Thanks please let me know who to contact
Joe Sottile
602 284 6404