 Ed Pulliam

Thanks Andy. There are so many things to throw out there. Maintenance, operations, lessons learned, etc.

For example-I had a great phone call a ways back with Nels Harding about approach speeds and pattern work and what to do given our 30’6″ wing span and the fact we give out of wing and sink like a rock below 100 MPH with MP below 15″. I have found that keeping it at 110 MPH DW and base to final and not dropping full flaps until on final and 16-17″ keeps the sink rate in check. And then flaring over the numbers with a little bit of power into ground effect works out. But I would love to hear what others say if they have experienced a better approach would be great. Plus I would love to hear best IFR practices as well in getting set up at the IAF inbound, etc.

Plus setting up for optimal cruise. 23/23 or is there something otherwise preferred?

That’s what I would love to hear from and LEARN.

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