Good afternoon Chris. Karen and I were unable to make Sedona due to Hurricane Laura direct hit. Both planes damaged, OTW extensive 200 will just end up with a new paint job.
The folks that did attend voted for Fredircksburg, TX and the Hangar Hotel as the 2021 fly in destination. Steve Freeman couldn’t run away fast enough/is too polite so he was saddled with being the host. Details will follow as quickly as possible.
Many of us are disappointed at not going to see Heinrik as was planned for 2021, but he has told Karen that COVD will likely be an issue even THAT far out in the future. We’ll hopefully get the all clear to see them in Iceland in 2022.
I’ll gather some more info and post. Karen is waiting on posting a newsletter until some information comes in from the attendees. She’s not pushed them as we received a SECOND direct hit hurricane known as Delta. Two major storms in less than six weeks. We’re tired.