Bob-welcome to a great group with a special bird. Dean is ‘The Man’ the go to on all things 200 IMHO so you are in excellent hands.
The 200 was recently profiled in Aviation Consumer and for good (or bad), I was allowed to give my opinion. Mark’s comments are spot on. Most A&P’s/IA’s well versed in 1960’s retractables will find the 200 not terribly difficult to work on. The all-hydraulics gear and flaps means you must pay attention to the overall condition of the system. Like Mark, I have done some radio upgrades but do not have a glass panel other than an Aera 660 and (JPI 830) which has been hard wired in and serves as my MFD. Given I am using a 430WAAS as my main navigator, the 660 resolution makes it an outstanding map display. With a good fuel flow indicator like the JPI and discipline, the single gauge works fine.
Several of the guys have gotten a 337 to replace the front seats with Bonanza seats and they swear by the upgrade. I think the seats are a weak link and am considering doing the same.
Good luck with 76T. Keep us informed!!