 Ed Pulliam

Andy-HTG to you and yours. As you might have read, the GA insurance business is in the ditch right now and the underwriters are calling the shots. When I bought my 200 in 2009 I had 1200 TT and a complex sign off to come get 196M. I had to do 5 hours of dual with the owner (an ATP) and then 10 hours of solo before carrying passengers. No way could that be done today. My 1st year premium then at $75K hull and normal non-smooth limits was $2800. It has fluctuated over the last 10 years between $2000 and $1400 with my most recent renewal with $125K hull at $1,777. Feedback I have seen is that GA will eventually correct, but it might take a few years.

Thoughts for you to consider:

For sure get your Instrument Rating. ASAP.

Fly as much as you can and build time. 100 hours per year would be a good goal.

Ask the broker to see what the underwriters would like to see in the way of training to reduce premiums. Try and get SPECIFIC FEEDBACK. I suggest you get with a competent CFI/II who has Bonanza, 210, Comanche experience (with a M200 experienced CFI close by as a bonus) and spend time with them getting real training. But see what the broker says. You need to translate that training into underwriting eventually lowering the premium.

I am impressed to see a 110 hour guy with 35 in a 200 out there! Be careful and remember to stay ahead of the airplane, especially in the pattern. The high sink rate at lower airspeeds configured to land can bite any of us.


Ed P.

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