 Jody Bays

My last attempt to post disappeared, hopefully this one will go better.
Like you I’m in the looking to buy phase, and like you I’ve been looking at other aircraft.
First everything I’m going to say is my opinion, and it’s likely to go against what many here will say.
First I don’t have a Meyers, never even flown in one, but I’ll get back to the Meyers, let’s talk about the Bonanza.
First forget the Debonair, it was never well thought of, sort of the poor step child to the Bonanza, then secondly the A36 while a very fine aircraft, isn’t in the same price level, usually. They often are way more expensive, but if you can afford one, it’s a very good airplane, probably the best Bonanza.

That takes us most likely to the V tails, which are fine aircraft, and for some reason seem to have come down in price.
If you buy a V tail that has been well maintained and if the magnesium tail skins are in good shape and you always hanger it, you’ll be fine. There is a huge community of them, many, many shops cater to them, there are many, many STC’s available and well they are everywhere so finding a knowledgeable mechanic is easy as well as parts and did I mention the STC’s? if you want to put an autopilot in, there are several to choose from.

Don’t buy any airplane with the intent to leave it tied down outside, but especially a V tail bonanza, if you can’t afford a hanger, wait until you can.

I’m not sure anyone has an autopilot STC for a Meyers? I assume airframe parts like wing ribs etc or landing gear just don’t exist, where they do for the Bo. Sure a talented A&P can make wing ribs, but due to labor involved. it’s not going to be cheap, but I don’t know any that can build a nose gear.

The Bo can be a real four person airplane, useful load is part of the issue with a Meyers, the rest of the story is the narrow CG range that gets very narrow at higher weight, some will say they fly fine over gross, and I’m sure they do, but that’s not the reason for the low gross weight, look at the CG range and that will tell you what is.

Now I’m wanting an airplane for the two of us, so the low useful load isn’t an issue for me, and I have a personal attachment so emotion will out weigh logic to some extent.

I’m going into this with the understanding that owning a Meyers is a little like owning a classic Italian sports car, sleek, sexy etc., but difficult to find parts and not many understand how to work on them.

See,I want a Meyers and I understand the issues, I’ll take a V tail if I can’t find a Meyers, or even a 201 Mooney, because we are just two people, really logically the Mooney makes the most sense for us, but I want a Meyers,even if it’s not the most logical airplane for us.

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