This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ashley Wade.

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  • #367
     Mark Young

    As I was replacing my battery this weekend, I noticed that there was a component attached in series to a circuit connecting both sides of the master relay that had degraded into a snowball.

    It looks like an old style ceramic capacitor, about an inch and quarter long. Also included in the curcuit is (perhaps) a diode, and a fuse.

    Someone suggested this is a protection circuit of some sort, preventing a power surge when you release the starter switch.

    anyone else have this in their plane and/or know the function of the circuit.

     John Lyon

    Mark, nothing like that in N489C.

     Ashley Wade

    Hello Mark. Just saw your post from TWO YEARS AGO. Sorry. we move slower here in LA than you guys do in CA. Ever figure out what that was? I frequently have to change out my stater (not battery master) solenoid at $100 a pop from Aircraft Spruce. Your theory about it being a capacitor makes sense. Spruce has what looks like a little diode spliced in a feed line for Cessnas. I’m probably going to buy one of those and try it out. Much cheaper than a new solenoid every 6 months, although I have made it a personal challenge to see how hast I can change it out… first was ~ an hour, now down to 12 mins. Would rather correct the problem than improve upon my pit crew skills.

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