Chuck Kemp replied to the topic Flying a Meyers 145 in the forum Meyers 145 & Micco SP20/SP26 3 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the feedback all. At 5’9″ it doesn’t seem a problem on height. Still awaiting my current plane to sell before getting serious though the Meyers is one that I plan to investigate further.
Chuck Kemp started the topic Flying a Meyers 145 in the forum Meyers 145 & Micco SP20/SP26 3 years, 8 months ago
Considering a 145 in the future. Still early in the hunt for my next plane, need to move the current plane first. As I’m horizontally challenged how much room does a 145 have? This also means I’m on the heavy side regarding weight so how much real useful load does one have? Does one with the IO-360 engine have much less useful load vice one…[Read more]
Chuck Kemp and Steve Ouellet are now friends 3 years, 8 months ago
Chuck Kemp became a registered member 3 years, 8 months ago