This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by John Secord.

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  • #237
     Joe Martony

    I’m told there is a recommended modification for the M200 that pulls the throttle to full open if the throttle cable breaks. Does anyone have the specs, parts list and technical drawing for the modification? Thanks, Joe Martony N2998T

     Thomas Kube

    I am looking for the same install.
    Can anybody post a picture of the spring and its installation points?

    Thank you.


     Ashley Wade

    Good morning Joe and Thomas. Hugh Mattern was kind enough too pull his 200 into the hangar for the maintenance session at the 2017 fly in. This is always one of the highlights of the fly in. So much to learn from these guys. Some are A&Ps, some have rebuilt numerous planes, some have owned their girls for 30 plus years. None of them are just get in it and fly it Cirrus pilots.

    I have several photos of Hugh’s linkage configuration. Unfortunately that does not work for me as I’m an A Model with an IO470 instead of the 520. I can not figure out how to upload the photos. I will reach out to our webmaster that keeps this site going, Mr. John Secord to see how I can post them. In the meantime, email me at and I can send them to you directly.

     John Secord

    Ashley, shoot those over to me for upload to the site maintenance section. Thanks!

     Ashley Wade

    Hey John. Emailed you pics of the throttle rigging and the proper safety wiring.

     Mark Jensen

    I had a recurring problem with the bracket that clasps the throttle cable at the back of the engine. The bracket is bolted to the intake manifold with a wire saftied screw which goes through a bushing. This arrangement allows a small amount of movement by the bracket. My problem was a loss of throttle control during taxi for takeoff. The screw with safety wire attached pulled out of it’s threads after both the screw and the bushing wore nearly through. In repairing this failure, the mechanic made an error when replacing the screw by tightening to the point that it did not allow the bracket to rotate slightly as intended. This new screw sheared during landing on the next flight. The subsequent repair was done correctly but on the next annual the bushing showed some wear and was replaced with another brass bushing. This bushing also showed wear on a subsequent annual so it was replaced with a steel bushing. In addition, the hole in the bracket was elongated and had to be repaired. The following actions were recommended by Keith Diver: “Power Control cables – including eye bolt joints (throttle and mixture control eyeball fittings): slight looseness. Bolts should be safety tied together. Check tightness and safety-wire on bolts holding standoff brackets on rear of the intake manifold. Pull bolt and check for wear. Lubricate. If hole is worn, drill and ream to 5/16 inch and install bushing and a new bolt. It is recommended putting a spring on the throttle control so it won’t go to idle position if the cable comes off. Do this with a field approved 337 form”. Keith recommends using a generic 1/4 inch OD, 1 5/8 inch long, 030 wire diameter with a 1 1/16 inch stand off from the top aft fuel air valve bolt. I have pictures of the spring and attachments that my mechanic made and will send them if you would like to provide an email address.

     Mark Jensen

    Never mind the last sentence. I see your email address is include in your post.

     John Secord

    Photos of Hugh Mattern’s throttle modification

    Throttle Preventer Photo 1
    Throttle Preventer Photo2
    Throttle Preventer Photo 3
    Throttle Preventer Photo 4

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