This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by Rob Evans.

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  • #2645
     Rob Evans

    I am not sure how to post photos… BUT… MY control Yokes turn down, which I understand were part of an “approved assemblage” pursuant to the Century 2000 Autopilot. I would like to find a Yoke that would be approved for a Century 2000 installation. If so… I could actually put both my legs under the yoke and fly safely. LOL.
    Any thoughts?
    N2981T “Dusty”

     Ed Pulliam

    Dusty-that’s interesting. The yokes on 196M were replaced before I acquired her with the Bonanza yokes per the 337. The autopilot is a Century III. So the 2000 install required you to turn the yokes upside down??



     Rob Evans

    It’s not upside down it is shaped like a “W”. so the two corners are low.
    I have not figured out how to post a photo. So… I have attached a link below.
    I think I must find a yoke that is approved for the Century II install.

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