This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Kevin McGinty.

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  • #2779
     Kevin McGinty

    I’ve seen some very nice leather wraps on the 200D yokes. Could someone suggest who I may contact for this work? Wanted to re-due the ptt switch and possibly add an autopilot disengage switch.

     Gary Harber

    Let me know if you find anything that works and looks good

     Gary Harber

    Actually, I think I found one that matches my yoke:

     Kevin McGinty

    Gary, the Aerocommander looks exactly like mine. Thank you.

    Would you know if the autopilot disconnect switch must be incorporated into the wrap, or could a switch be added to the panel? That is if installing a new autopilot.

    Thanks again,

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