Jamon Pruitt and
Chris Hudson are now friends 2 years, 4 months ago
Chris Hudson started the topic KVBT Fly-in – anybody headed to AR from East Coast have a seat available?? in the forum General 2 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, I know the 200 is generally a great 2-seat plus luggage airplane, but maybe there’s an owner or two who’d share for a fair expense split. I am not a Meyers owner, but would like to be and am happy to cover half of expenses if anybody’s considering attending and is willing to share.
I have no Meyers flying experience, but do have 6400…[Read more]
Chris Hudson replied to the topic Currency of sale listings? in the forum Airframe – Meyers 200 3 years, 5 months ago
Hi Dean:
I believe that the N2976T listing at the time I inquired had been sold, possibly more than once. I recognize that I may be mistaken about that as i didn’t know its title history in detail. I remember it as your airplane at one point, so please correct my (mis?)information. Thanks.
Chris Hudson replied to the topic Currency of sale listings? in the forum Airframe – Meyers 200 3 years, 6 months ago
Thanks, Kevin. I note there are a couple of 2020 listings one can’t be sure about and one from 2019 which hasn’t been owned by the gentleman for a while now.
Chris Hudson started the topic Currency of sale listings? in the forum Airframe – Meyers 200 3 years, 6 months ago
Pretty new to the club and the site. Are the aircraft for sale listings maintained by the posting member and do they pull the listing down once sold or no longer on-market? There sure seem to be aircraft listed months and years ago, which I presume are not current listings.
Chris Hudson became a registered member 3 years, 6 months ago