Meyers 200 Race 47

John Secord Flies Meyers 200C to victory in FAC1RG Class at Sun-Shine Express 400 with an average speed of over 223MPH

Augusta, KS, April 7, 2016—John Secord is no stranger to flying fast in his regularly flown Glasair Super II so Sunday’s Sunshine Express 400 from Greenwood, South Carolina to Winter Haven, Florida was another great opportunity to race in the highly regarded but fairly new venture, which debuted last year as the “Race to the Sun.” And, while John is a familiar figure at general aviation races, the same might not be said for the airplane he chose to fly in this year’s race—a Meyers 200C built in 1964 and not flown in competition for more than four decades.

“The thing is, the Meyers design was so far ahead of its time when it debuted that it’s not old now, even after 50 years and it’s definitely not outdated,” Secord said after not only flying in, but winning, the FAC1RG Class of the 400 mile race in a time of 2 hours nine minutes and 18 seconds. He averaged 223.30 miles per hour. “To put that in per-spective,” he explained, “I finished less than a minute behind a newer airplane that weighs about the same but flew in a higher performance class because it has a higher horsepower, turbocharged engine. And, I bet I burned less fuel than he did, too!”

John plans to follow up his win in the Sunshine Express 400 by entering the Texoma Air Race in Sherman, Texas on April 16 where he expects to be joined by last year’s defending champion in the FAC1RG Class, fellow Meyers competitor, his friend Dr. Jamon Pruitt. Dr. Pruitt also beat the rest of the field in the FAC1RG Class in last year’s AirVenture Cup Race prior to the annual EAA gathering at Oshkosh, Wisconsin too. “Going three for three in these races should encourage some of our fellow Mey-ers 200 owners to join us,” Secord added. “It could result in a race within a race as Meyers airplanes form their own Challenge class in upcoming Sport Air Racing League events and of course, at AirVenture in Oshkosh. That should also generate increased interest in both the original version of the airplane and the potential updates and improvements being considered by and Interceptor Aviation in the future,” noted Nin George, Vice President of Quality and Performance Excellence at Global, and Interceptor Aviation. Interceptor Aviation, which acquired the Type Certificate for the Meyers Aircraft in 2014, is an affiliate company of is exhibiting at Sun’N Fun in Lakeland, Florida, April 5-10. Jeff Ellis, the company’s vice president of sales is heading a team of representatives who can provide information on the company’s broad range of products and services at Booth 064 in Hangar A.

About GLOBALPARTS Group, Inc. was founded in 2003 to serve the worldwide aviation spares market with cost effective, quality parts. is a certified distributor of aviation spares and has earned ISO AS9120A and ASA-100 accreditation for quality management systems. Through parts distribution, has evolved and added a Federal Aviation Administration-certified repair station and an in-house, build-to-print part manufacturing capabilities to its operations. The overhaul/ repair service, Global Parts Aero Services, Inc is FAA Part 145 certified and the manufacturing service, Global Parts Aero Manufacturing, Inc. is ISO AS9100C accredited. With the addition of GlobalParts Aero Structures, also an FAR Part 145 Repair Station, the GlobalParts Group now includes the parts distribution division, Global Parts Manufacturing, the fabrication segment that was added in 2014, Global Parts Aero Services, Global Parts Properties, which manages the company’s physical assets, and Interceptor Aviation which is responsible for oversight and support of the Meyers Aircraft airframe.

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