Attention all Meyers aircraft owners and enthusiasts! If you are planning to attend EAA Air Venture this year, MAOA will be gathering at Wend’t on the Lake for supper on Thursday, July 28 at 7 p.m. Wendt’s is located at N9699 Lakeshore Dr. Van Dyne, WI 549979 (near the seaplane base). Please message Jamon Pruitt in the forum section on this website if you plan to attend as he will be making reservations for our group. We usually have about 30 members attend this event. Hope to see you there!
Globalparts Group Inc. Acquires Type Certificate
, General
GlobalParts Group, Inc. of Augusta, KS, distributors and producers of quality parts for business and general aviation, announced today...
Pack your Cowboy Hats and Boots for Fredericksburg!
, Announcement, Events, Fly-In
Our annual Meyers Aircraft Owners Reunion and Fly-In is only two months away! We are looking forward to seeing...
2022 KVBT Fly-In News!
, Announcement, Events, Fly-In
In case you missed the announcement, our 2022 annual reunion and fly-in will take place this September 21-25 in...
Meyers Aircraft 2023 Update #4 (Reprise)
, Announcement, Events, Fly-In, General, Meyers 200, OTW
Greetings all. Bruce Mayes and crew have another updated flyer for the 2023 fly-in. 2023 Flyin Notice No 4...
Meyers Aircraft 2023 Update #3.5(Rental Cars)
, Announcement, Events, Fly-In, General, Meyers 200, OTW
In the recent post card mailing, we listed both hertz and enterprise, along with contact numbers. Today I tried...
Oshkosh 2018
, General
Jamon Pruitt wins FAC1 RG at the Airventure Cup 2018 with copilot Kent Atchison. Welcoming party for N749C at...
Nametags for the Carson City Fly-in…
, Announcement, Events, Fly-In, General, Meyers 200, OTW
I’m going to try to catch up on the name tags again at the fly-in. If you’re coming to...