Despite the challenges of 2020, the Meyers Aircraft Owners managed to successfully host a small gathering in September...
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It is with great sorrow that I report from California that Mr. Al Grouleff has passed away. Al was...
It is with great sadness we notify our Meyers family that two of our members have Gone West. Phillip...
The 2018 Meyers Aircraft Owners annual fly-in took place September 12-16, 2018 in Benton Harbor, MI...
Jamon Pruitt wins FAC1 RG at the Airventure Cup 2018 with copilot Kent Atchison. Welcoming party for N749C at...
TruTrak is almost ready to create the STC for our Meyers 200s! TruTrak Flight Systems is a leader and...
The annual MAOA Fly-In will be held September 12-16, 2018 in Benton Harbor, MI at KBEH. This is...